Summer update

Lots going on for summer, wow! Here’s a quick rundown, sort of an artistic tour if you will. Canada Day will see me out in Gimli,MB where I will be creating a 24′ tall viking ship to float in Lake Winnipeg. And it’s made out of recycled materials and powered using solar charged LED lights! I’ve partnered with the Gimli High School to come up with the idea, special thanks for the support from the RM of Gimli, the Gimli 150 Committee and Canada’s 150th.

Right here and now in Winnipeg, I’m teaching drawing classes at the Forum Art Centre and Graphic Design at Red River College. Want some inspiration next spring? sign up!

I’ve also been doing a big installation of art and design at the Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre, stayed tuned for completed photos of that. Here’s a door divider I created for them. Lighting and paintings to come!

Did you see the giant, rainbow crosswalk? The Forks hired me to help them execute the painting of it for Pride here in Winnipeg in conjunction with The Winnipeg Front Runners Pride Run, such a great idea organized by Andrew McLaren.

In July I will be at the Winnipeg Folk Festival again creating another one of my giant grass labyrinths! Such a good music festival, don’t miss it.

In August, my old timey/bluegrass band the New Eastman Stringdusters are going to hit the Forks for the Canada Summer Games celebration as a team of roaming balladeers. hot diggitty!

Following that I’m super stoked to announce I’ll be at the Harvest Sun Music Festival as their musical ambassador,  kicking off their new artist-maker residency program while making a labyrinth, playing music, and doing some live painting. I’ll be posting a lot about that in the upcoming weeks.

Have you had enough? I’m not even going to tell you about the furniture! hahaha. Enjoy your summer, I know I’m going to!