
Festival du Voyageur

HeHo! Super excited to be part of Festival du Voyageur with a couple exciting events!

In the Snow Tent I’ve placed 50 of my drawings of festival shows and francophone performers on the tables near the stage. With an added bonus the drawings can be activated and animated with sound by getting the app ARTIVIVE (available in the app store). Download the free app, open it and put it over any of these four drawings(at the show they are marked with the Artivive symbol). Music and animation awaits!

On Friday, February 21st Don Zueff and I will be backing my Auntie Bea (Beatrice Mosionier of In Search of April Raintree fame) with some music as she reads from a couple of her books. I can’t wait for that! It will be in the fort area at the Winterer’s cabin.

Andrina Turenne Justin Lacroix Ed Lamontagne Les Voyageurs with music by Claire Morrison et Denis Vrignon-Tessier